The cornerstone of the Department?s academic mission continues to be high quality training of residents to become competent anaesthesiologists.

The Department of Anaesthesia at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences (SSSIHMS), Prasanthigram, has been accredited by National Board of Examinations (NBE), Government of India to provide post graduate training in Anaesthesia leading to a DNB degree. The department is accredited to take two candidates an year.

The department has an intake of 2 candidates (allocated through centralised counselling by NBE) for DNB training every year in the July session. Candidates should have passed MBBS and Central Entrance Test conducted by NBE. The NBE holds the examination twice an year in January and July.

The Department is responsible for the anaesthetic management of over 7400 operative cases each year, covering the entire gamut of procedures.

The department provides a stimulating didactic series, which runs throughout the year and exposes the trainees to a balanced mix of conferences, lectures and interactive education. The department has committed substantial resources to enhance trainee education, including the trainee a library and computer facilities and internet access.

Stipend would be as prescribed by the National Board of Examinations. In campus single accommodation is provided.

Hospital has a canteen for doctors and other hospital staff that provides food at a reasonable price.

For any queries please contact Cardiology DNB Admissions

Email: academicspg@sssihms.org.in
Telephone: 08555-287388 ext 1710

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